MAKIT - e-Hírlevél 339

Magyar Allergológiai és Klinikai Immunológiai Társaság

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A MAKIT 47. Kongresszusa

A következő MAKIT Kongresszus időpontja: 2019.05.9-11.

Első értesítő

Prof. Dr. Zeher Margit
a MAKIT elnöke

EAACI White Paper

Dear NAS and ISC Presidents and Representatives,

Quality healthcare is key to achieve better quality of life as perceived by an individual. It is the major political issue and in many countries healthcare delivery organizations are part of the national identity. Performance outcome measures are important and the most effective and meaningful measures can only be elaborated through the close collaboration of patients, health care providers, and policy makers.

EAACI believes it is the time for a major revision in every aspect of the healthcare ecosystem, where governments, academia, enterprises and individuals, are actively involved in improving care pathways.

Published by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the White Paper on Research, Innovation and Quality Care has the following 3 major aims:
1) to present a critical appraisal of allergic diseases and asthma landscape in Europe along with an informed analysis of future trends,
2) to set the quality standards and to provide guidance and training for allergy practice and research,
3) to identify and promote research priorities and better research funding in allergy, asthma and clinical immunology.

The White Paper is a collaborative effort of the whole EAACI Family covering risk factors, major diseases, development of healthcare, training and growth of patients’ support organisations, and provides a series of policy recommendations to ensure and improve the future care of allergy, asthma and other immunological diseases. It is meant to provide guidance for daily practice and to define research needs. It will also serve as an advocacy tool for health professionals, policymakers, patients and media.

We are kindly asking you to please promote the White Paper within your National Societies and International Societies Counsel networks by doing the following:
1) Please send an email to your society members with the information above and the link to the White Paper on the EAACI Website.
2) Promote the White Paper on your website with the link to our website.

If you have any further questions about the White Paper, please contact EAACI at

Ioana Agache
EAACI President

Scaling up strategies of the Chronic Respiratory Disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

Action Plan B3 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) focuses on the integrated care of chronic diseases. Area 5 (Care Pathways) was initiated using chronic respiratory diseases as a model. The chronic respiratory diseases action plan involves AIRWAYS integrated care pathways (ICPs). It is deployed in collaboration with the WHO Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD).
The EIP on AHA has proposed a 5-step framework for developing an individual scaling up strategy: (i) what to scale up: (i-a) databases of good practices, (i-b) assessment of viability of the scaling up of good practices, (i-c) classification of good practices for local replication and (ii) how to scale up: (ii-a) facilitating partnerships for scaling up, (ii-b) implementation of key success factors and lessons learnt, including emerging technologies for individualised and predictive medicine. This strategy has already been applied to the chronic respiratory diseases action plan of the EIP on AHA

További információ ide kattintva

Allergy Academy – Clinical Fellowships in Allergy

The UK has the highest prevalence of allergic disease in the world. The Allergy Department at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, situated in the centre of London, is one of the largest provider of specialist allergy care for adults and children in Europe.
As well as having a reputation for clinical excellence, the allergy department also runs an internationally renowned programme of clinical and laboratory research. Our large faculty of adult and paediatric allergists have a long tradition of active involvement in post graduate allergology education for doctors from around the world, using the most innovative teaching methods.
The Clinical Fellowship programme offers an unrivalled opportunity to benefit from world class clinical research and educational opportunities to enable you to develop your allergology practice in the heart of one of the world’s greatest cities.

More informations

Kedves Tagtárs!


Amennyiben Ön még nem rendezte a korábbi évek és/vagy a 2018.évi tagdíját, a Magyar Allergológiai és Klinikai Immunológiai Társaság számlájára (Számlaszám: OTP 11711034-20328487-00000000) szíveskedjen átutalni, illetve a befizetésről kérés esetén igazolást vagy számlát állítunk ki. Igényét a címre szíveskedjen a szükséges adatokkal megadni. Kérdés, vagy további adategyeztetés esetén kérjük hívja a 06 30 640 70 99 telefonszámot, ahol Somogyi Judit válaszol.

Szeretnénk tájékoztatni, hogy az éves tagdíj 2018-ban nem változott.
Befizetését ellenőrizheti a oldalon, az oldalra történő bejelentkezés után.

Alap tagdíj: 5000 Ft
Szakorvosjelöltek: 1500 Ft
Egyetemi hallgatók: 1500 Ft
Nyugdíjasok: 1500 Ft
Szakdolgozók: 1500 Ft

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